Courier Services

A1 Shipping Solution Limited Courier Service is efficient and reliable from the arrival of the packages to the delivery. Our team will guarantee that your packages are delivered fast and on time.

Online Shopping

If you do not own a credit card or do not want to use the one you have, no stress, utilize ours. Buy anything you like online utilizing our credit card, indicating your name and  shipping address. We’ll get your bundle abroad, ship to you.

Sea Freight

A1 Shipping Solution Limited is the A1 Shipping in this new era.  This method is suitable for transporting packages from Miami to Jamaica with weekly shipments of over 90 pounds. With sea freight, your package weight is limitless.

Air Freight

From skyline to shoreline to our office in Claremont, St.Ann, we will ensure your packages are shipped to you hassle and worry free. Your packages are transported from Miami to Jamaica in a reliable and speedy manner. This method is suitable for transporting packages of up to 150 pounds.